
Do You Make These 12 Simple Mistakes In WordPress?

Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. Here are some bits of advice to help you avoid some. If you are a thorough designer, you probably have a lengthy checklist you go over before you publish a wordpress site. A website is never set in stone. A good website updates, adapts and is always evolving to suit…

brand, social media content, marketing tools

Creating A Successful Brand

According to Wikipedia, A brand is a set of marketing and communication methods that help to distinguish a company from competitors and create a lasting impression in the minds of customers. Some people think it’s just a logo. Some think it’s all about your tagline or a catch phrase. In reality, “a brand’s visual identity is the…


WordPress, WordPress, WordPress.

There are averagely 17 posts published on WordPress every second, yes, second. Since it was first released in May 2003, WordPress has never failed to amaze the world. At this point, it’s being used by 26.5% of all websites at the very moment. The number of users who starts putting their trust in this CMS…

brand, social media content, marketing tools

19 Tools to Create Social Media Content

Are you looking for new ways to create social media content? Consider yourself lucky if you answered no. Social media content is a beast with a never ending appetite. You need to make sure you are providing them with fresh, new content. You want to catch and hold your clients/fan base/customer’s attention. Something that keeps…

color, color pickers, color matching, logo color, color combinations

20 Free Color Pickers for Graphic & Web Designers

Don’t know what colors you should choose for your next design project? Don’t worry! These color pickers will help you! We’ve mentioned sites such as color hexa and color-hex before to help you with color selection. We all know variety is the spice of life, so why just settle for 2 when you can have…

brand, social media content, marketing tools

A Collection of Marketing Tools for Better Content

What marketing tools are in your toolbox? There is no right recipe for marketing. You need to experiment with marketing tools out there and when something doesn’t work, try something else. There are so many resources and tools out there today and this article from the Content Marketing Institute gives you 30+ tools to try out.…

logo, color pickers, graphic design, website design, website considerations, websites

7 Bad Graphic Design Habits to Avoid

Bad Graphic Design is all around us. It stands out like a sore thumb, that’s what makes it bad. When graphic design is done right, you hardly notice it. The only way to fight bad graphic design is to be able to recognize what makes it bad. As a client, you should pay attention to these…

logo, color pickers, graphic design, website design, website considerations, websites

Website Considerations Before You Build

So, You’ve finally come around to building a website but, before you build, here are some website considerations to keep in mind. A lot goes into making sure your website is a balance of design and functionality. There are numerous website considerations to pay attention to. You need to make sure your designer is paying…

css generators

Great Collection of CSS Generators/Tools

If you haven’t had a chance yet to visit LINE25, you need to. Effects that were once only achievable in Photoshop can now be replicated in CSS code. It’s sometimes difficult to visualize the appearance of these effects when staring at a few lines of syntax. This is where CSS generators come in handy, this…

How Much Does Your Website Really Cost?

Cost is everything Sometimes you have to prioritize business needs. There are somethings you can get started without and there are somethings  you just can’t do without. In the end these decisions usually come down to cost. Now I’ve posted quite a bit about why you need a website. Here is a great article that…

css generators

10 Spring Cleaning WordPress Plugins

Just like servicing a car, or giving your house a spring cleaning, your website shouldn’t be ignored. WordPress really benefits from a good once-over every now and again to keep it running fast and efficiently. This post rounds up 10 useful plugins that will really help service and maintain your WordPress blog. Updating the WordPress…

6 New Social Media Marketing Tools

Social media management has never been more important than it is today. If you are a social media manager, you must always stay ahead of the game as it’s always evolving. New platforms rise in popularity and social media is always changing the way we must stay in touch with our customer base. One of…

Excuses Businesses Make for Not Having a Website

If you don’t think your business needs a website, think about this: almost everyone owns an internet connected device nowadays. You can find plenty of excuses on why you don’t need a website or, you can check out this infographic by Rapid Web Launch and rethink your position. I only caution you to rethink excuse number 3:…